- Monoloque
- Monoloque Dan Atilia
- Mononc Serge
- Monophonics
- Monoral
- Monotales
- Monotonix
- Monovine
- Monóxido
- Monroe Crossing
- Monroes
- Monrose
- Monroy Y Surmenage
- Monsieur Minimal
- Monsieur Perine
- Monsieur Roux
- Monsoon
- Monster Cat
- Monster Magnet
- Monster Squad
- Monster Truck
- Monsters
- Monsters Of Folk
- Monsters Of Liedermaching
- Monstrosity
- Montaigne
- Monte
- Monte Bong
- Monte Leister
- Monte Montgomery
- Monte Negro
- Monte Rosa
- Montell Jordan
- Monterrojo
- Montevideo
- Montez De Durango
- Monti Amundson
- Montoire
- Montreal
- Montrose
- Montt Mardie
- Montuca Sound System
- Monty
- Monty Are I
- Monty Norman
- Monty Python
- Montys Fan Club
- Monument Valley
- Monumental Torment
- Monuments