- Shit Sandwich
- Shiva Shanti
- Shivaree
- Shivaro
- Shizuka
- Shlomi Shabat
- Shlomo Artzi
- Shlomo Carlebach
- Shlomo Katz
- Shlomo Ydov
- Shmolts
- Shmuck
- Sho Nuff
- Shock
- Shock Treatment
- Shocker Stalin
- Shocking Blue
- Shocking Lemon
- Shocking Pinks
- Shocore
- Shoe
- Shoes And Socks Off
- Shoji Meguro
- Shoko Nakagawa
- Shokran
- Shola Ama
- Shona Laing
- Shonen Knife
- Shonlock
- Shontelle
- Shontelle Layne
- Shook Ones
- Shoot The Girl First
- Shooter
- Shooter Jennings
- Shootie Hg
- Shooting At Unarmed Men
- Shooting Blanks
- Shooting Guns
- Shooting John
- Shooting Stars
- Shootyz Groove
- Shop 11 Phoenix
- Shop Boyz
- Shores Of Elysium
- Shores Of Sheol
- Shoreside
- Short Stack
- Short Warning
- Shorthand Phonetics